FindWhat to supply Verizon with search listingsFebruary 24, 2004 Revenue from paid-search ads, which are generated by keyword search terms, have boomed in recent years as advertisers have found them to be a successful way to connect with consumers who are in a buying mood. Verizon Communications next week will relaunch its site to give advertisers the option of signing up for lucrative Web-search ad campaigns, the No. 1 U.S. telephone company said on Tuesday. Verizon will release the new service for its online Yellow Pages on March 1 with partner and paid-search advertising provider The new arrives as publishers of print Yellow Pages and newspapers seek to protect their billion-dollar local advertising businesses from future rivals like Web-search giant Google Inc. and Internet portals Yahoo Inc. and Time Warner Inc.'s AOL. All of those companies now eyeing local advertisers as potential users of the highly targeted pay-per-click ad services they offer through their Web sites and have emerged as potential rivals to traditional print publications, analysts have said. "We're adding pay-per-click for national and local advertisers to take advantage of that model," Lester Chu, a Verizon vice president, told Reuters. The majority of paid-search revenue traditionally has come from marketers selling goods to a predominantly national audience. As AOL, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Corp.'s MSN Internet division seek new paid-search revenue opportunities, each has launched local search projects, said Greg Sterling, a program director at the Kelsey Group, which estimates that print Yellow Pages are a $15 billion business in the United States. "There is a lot at stake in this industry: what Verizon has done is a bold move," Sterling said. Source: Yahoo News Read Serge Thibodeau's daily blogs on search engines at Serge Thibodeau Live. We strongly suggest you bookmark our web site by clicking here. ![]() Tired of receiving unwanted spam in your in box? Get SpamArrest™ and put a stop to all that SPAM. Click here and get rid of SPAM forever! Get your business or company listed in the Global Business Listing directory and increase your business. It takes less then 24 hours to get a premium listing in the most powerful business search engine there is. Click here to find out all about it. Rank for $ales strongly recommends the use of WordTracker to effectively identify all your right industry keywords. Accurate identification of the right keywords and key phrases used in your industry is the first basic step in any serious search engine optimization program. Click here to start your keyword and key phrase research.
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