December 10, 2004
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Homepage - Start at the beginning
The Rank for $ales Seal of Quality
Rank for $ales has instituted a seal of quality that we
strictly adhere to for all of our clients, web sites. This seal of quality
effectively protects all web sites optimized by us from ever being
banned or penalized by any major search engine.
Accepted ethical practices
In this section we look at industry-accepted, standard SEO practices
and technology that are either recommended by the major search engines
or that these techniques and related technologies are what the industry
and Rank for $ is using.
Unethical and unacceptable practices
Spamming or spamdexing a search engine is any practice that devalues
the integrity and relevance of a search property's results. Any search
engine that discovers someone using methods or technology that redicules
their search systems or offends their sense of fair
play or leads search engines to believe that the site owner has gained
an unfair advantage over someone else is considered spam.
SEO myths and exaggerations
In this section, we will show you the five most common SEO myths in the
industry. Some are almost as old as the Internet itself. Yet, Rank
for strongly does not recommend any of the
following five techniques.
Meta tags
Multiple domain names
Doorway and gateway pages
Resubmitting every week or every month
Web optimization experts are too expensive
Spam and unwanted clutter in the engines
In an ideal and virtually perfect
world, each search engine would produce the most relevant set of results
for its audience. Unfortunately the world is not perfect, and some
webmasters will attempt to trick search engines into listing their pages
(instead of the most relevant pages) in response to a specific keyword
Visit our link partners
Participate in our link exchange program and increase your
visibility too in the major search engines.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find the questions we get asked just about everyday.
We think that some of them could answer yours.
Customers conversion rates
Even if you have the greatest
visibility and the nicest web site, if your visitors don't convert, ie
if they don't purchase your products or services, your site didn't deliver
what it was intended to deliver and that is $ales.
Ranking for $ales
Assuming you have done everything right and all thats legal and you
have quality inbound links from other web sites that have a Page Rank
of five or more, but your still not happy to be listed as number six or
seven in Google or AltaVista. Just what can you do if you are
convinced that your content is the best, most relevant on the Web for
certain selected keywords and you deserve a number one ranking, but search
engines don�t seem to agree with you?
Knowledge Center - Get to know SEO
Why optimize a web site in the first place?
When anybody creates a web site, the very techniques and the
structure of the site itself can have an adverse effect in the Search
Engine Results Pages (SERP's). Many times, clients come to us with
sites that, when they were developed, had only the site visitors in
Google Page Rank
It's no secret anymore that Google ranks as the number one
defacto-standard in the field of major search engines. In 2003,
Google accounts for more than 85% of all Internet searches on a daily
basis. In this section we will tell all you need to know about
page rank (PR).
Reciprocal link exchange programs
Reciprocal Link Exchange Programs, or RLEP's for short, are about the
best way to seriously increase your Page Rank in Google.
How search engines work
Get a better understanding of exactly how search engines work and increase
your rankings. It goes hand in hand. This web site is your most valued
SEO resource.
Targeted keywords and keyphrases
Keywords, keyphrases and search terms are the important words and phrases
that people type into the search box of major search engines.
Keywords and keyphrases are the important words on your web site that
needs to match these search terms in order for your site to drive
targeted traffic to your business.
The Robots.txt file
Get to know the importance of the robots.txt file. Such a small file,
but so important to the rankings of any web site.
Content relevancy explained
When a human actually uses a search engine to find a specific product
or service, the search engine looks at its index of the Web and displays
a list of results. That list of results is in order of direct
relevancy, with the most relevant results first. A properly
optimized web site with relevant keywords and keyphrases will
receive highly targeted traffic from serious prospective buyers.
Targeted visitors equals targeted buyers
Having traffic to a web site is one
thing. But having targeted visitors, converting into
targeted customers is completely a different matter.
Rank for $ sometimes asks its new clients: "What would you
rather have- lots of people coming and going, ie: passive visitors,
OR active buyers, ie: people that will stay and end up buying your
product or service? The answer is very clear. It's much better to target
quality over quantity.
Help and important tips at your disposal
SEO Articles
Our SEO articles, information and resources section was created to help
better understand the complex world of SEO and its often
obscure corners. It should give our readers a better understanding
of what we do at Rank for $ales and help understand the
functioning of search engines in general.
Paying for inclusion in directories
More and more is being said today about Pay for Inclusion (PFI) and Pay per
Click (PPC). There are now a good number of ways that search directories and
search engines are charging companies trying to get their web sites
conveniently listed on the Internet. This article will clearly explain it
Insurance to protect a site against a potential penalty
With the Robots.txt protocol, a webmaster or web site owner can really
protect himself if it is done correctly. The inherent risks of getting a
web site banned on the basis of spam increases proportionately if it appears
to have duplicate listings or duplicate content. Learn how to use "insurance"
against an impending penalty.
The 5 most often-asked questions on SEO writing
These five most often-asked questions are filled with important information
and what we recommend the most in achieving the best overall results in
efficient brand management.
The clear definition of SEO
You have read a lot about it, you have heard people talk about it and some of
you have been asking to know more about it. Read here the true and clear
definition of what exactly is termed by SEO and what it can do for you.
How search engines work
Everything you always wanted to know on the way search engines actually
perform their searches and the inherent abilities integrated into modern
search engines today.
Learn the great difference between search engines and directories
Before a person attemps in understanding the complex world of SEO, one must
understand the very basic differences between search engines in the true
world and search directories. Learn more in this section.
Difference between search engine positioning and optimization
A question we keep getting all the time is: "What is the actual difference
between search engine optimization and search engine positioning"? In this
article, we will explain all the important differences between both processes
and how it can impact the visibility of any given web site.
How search engine crawlers and spiders function
Search engine "crawlers", "spiders" or "robots" as they are called, are
always looking for new or fresh content on the Internet. They are actually
the seekers of web sites & web pages. How exactly do they function?
What is it they actually do? Why are they so important in the context of
Search Engine Optimization? Find all the answers in this section.
Anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine
In this rare paper, Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page explain
the exact anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine and its
main functions. This is a unique experience in understanding what makes Google
function the way it does and how it got to be the number one search engine.
The robots.txt file
On certain occasions, a web site owner would rather exclude a particular
page or section of his site and insure it was never linked to any other
site on the Web, or even worse, indexed by a search engine. However, the
robots.txt file can also exclude the whole site from its index too,
if it isn't done correclty.
Keyword Marketing and all its secrets
Some people in business think they have what they feel is a successful web
site. It�s large, has plenty of good, relevant content and was designed in
a way to help most users visiting the site. It is also listed in most of
the major search engines. But the question is, where are the visitors? Is
it possible that, using a very specific keyword or key phrase they cannot
find your site in most of the same search engines? Most likely, that is very
often what we discover when we start making a survey for a particular client.
Learn all the secrets of Keyword Marketing in this section.
Relevant keywords and keyphrases
Learn how to create a web site with relevant keywords and keyphrases (RKK) and
maximize your SEO results. At Rank for $ales, we have been
using RKK since we started and our clients are now reaping all the benefits.
Writing powerful key phrases
In this article, you will learn the proper techniques on how to write
powerful key phrases for the search engines and the importance of good
relevant text. But first, we need to know how to properly research these
key phrases, ensuring they are the right ones. You cannot write efficient
key phrases if you don't know what they are. Identification comes first.
Action comes second.
The story behind Pagina+�
Available since June of 2001, Pagina+� is now recognized as the world's most
powerful and revolutionary site positioning solution there is on the market
today. Version 2.0 of Pagina+� is even more refined. Learn all the reasons why.
SEO done with careful thinking
It used to be that for some people, when the subject of search engine
optimization was discussed, there was a good chance that doorway pages,
gateway pages or some general information pages probably came to their
minds. Since about 1995 or 1996, these have been the main techniques used
by some web marketers. If you even happen to be a search engine optimization
(SEO) professional, you probably have some clients that still request these
types of pages for the optimization of their web sites.
The successful optimization of dynamic web sites
The successful search engine optimization (SEO) of a dynamic web site
requires complex search engine technology and methods that are substantially
different and much more sophisticated than the SEO techniques used for
ordinary, more conventional "static" web sites. In this section, we will
explain how Rank for $ales successfully optimizes these dynamic web sites.
Content relevancy explained
Content relevancy is the search engine�s measure of how well a particular
Web page accurately matches a searching question. Relevancy is important
to understand if you want your web site to thrive in this Internet-connected
Optimizing framed web sites
There are many that say a framed web site is next to impossible to optimize
for the major search engines. Discover our own little secrets about framed
web sites. There are actually a few ways to get around them. This section will
show you how.
Spam and unwanted clutter in the engines
Spam causes major problems for search engines because it prevents them from
accurately delivering the most relevant results to their audiences. Their
ability to calculate relevancy is distorted by the spam. Learn what spam is
all about and how to avoid your site from being banned or penalized from the
Recent survey among top SEO analysts and marketing specialists
More and more top SEO analysts from all over the world recognize the importance
of SEO and the multiple benefits it can provide any small, medium-size or
large organization. Read this important market survey here.
How to write a powerful homepage that will rank high
In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), writing a strong homepage
that will rank high in the engines and will read well with your site
visitors can sometimes present a challenge, even to some seasoned SEO
professionals. In this article, we will show you the right way of doing it.
How to use link popularity to your best advantage
If you want your web site to be placed highly in the SERP�s (Search Engine
Results Pages), you need to understand how link popularity works and how
to make the best use of it on your web site. In this article, we will
explain the ins and outs of link popularity and the results that can be
achieved if used correctly.
Ranking for $ales
If you have done just about everything we recommend on this web site and you
still aren't happy to be number five or six in Google or number ten in Yahoo!,
then this section could help you attain your goals.
SEO Tips and Techniques used by the Pros
Did you know that, after investing thousands, sometimes hundred of
thousands of dollars developing a Web site, businesses often discover
that the site is invisible in the major search engines. Find out
why and avoid the pitfalls.
SEO Industry News
Stay updated on the fast changing world of SEO. Learn what's in,
what's out. Who's in and who's out. Read the latest news of the
SEO industry as they happen. Our SEO industry news section is
updated several times a week. SEO news from around the world.
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Rank for $ales strongly recommends the use of
to effectively identify all your right industry keywords. Accurate identification of the
right keywords and key phrases
used in your industry is the first basic step in any serious search engine optimization program.
The keywords you think
are the best may be totally different than the ones recommended by WordTracker.
Click here
to start your keyword and key phrase research.
You can link to the
Rank for Sales web site as
much as you like. Read our section on how your company can participate in our
reciprocal link exchange program
and increase your rankings in all the major search engines such as Google,
AltaVista, Yahoo and all the others.
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