More on Blinkx's desktop searchFebruary 2, 2005 Google and Yahoo are competing to make the best desktop search engine. Attempting to keep up in this race is Blinkx of San Francisco. The startup’s software turns search on its head: instead of waiting for the user to type keywords in a query box, the software monitors what the user is working on and automatically supplies links to relevant content from the local hard drive and the Web. The race heated up in October with the release of Google’s desktop search engine. Since then, MSN, Ask Jeeves, and Yahoo have come out with competing products. But even last summer, Blinkx had its software ready to download. It has since accumulated a million active users.
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![]() Like all desktop search engines, the Blinkx software runs on the user’s computer and indexes the contents: word-processing documents, e-mails, and so forth. Once that’s done, the software “reads” whatever the user is working on—basically anything with text—and matches the pattern of words in that file with those in files stored on the hard drive and on the Internet. A toolbar at the top of every program window lets the user choose which of the files uncovered in this search she’d like to view: documents on the hard drive, news stories, Web pages, even online video clips. Delivering search results automatically is one thing that distinguishes Blinkx’s search tool from that of its competitors. Another is that Blinkx errs on the side of providing too few rather than too many results, trying not to inundate users with not-so-relevant links, as some keyword-based search engines tend to do. “When you pick only a few keywords to search, you lose lots of detail and context,” says Suranga Chandratillake, Blinkx’s cofounder and chief technology officer. “We get to keep all that context, and that’s why we get such good results.” Of course, whether users will agree about the superiority of the results will depend to a great extent on personal taste. Users will notice that for most documents, the Blinkx toolbar will only bring up three or four results—and sometimes none—which may disappoint those accustomed to copious hits from traditional search engines. In that case, users have the option of crafting their own queries in a separate query box. With $10 million in funding from private individuals, Blinkx says it has enough money to last at least though the year without seeking venture capital financing. The company’s first goal is to get more users to download its software. One way to do this, says Blinkx CEO Mark Opzoomer, is to partner with companies such as online retailers and publishers; a branded button on the Blinkx toolbar would only return results from the partner company’s site. Because downloading the toolbar is free, Blinkx will rely on advertising—in the form of a separate ad button on the toolbar—to bring in revenue. With a million users, Blinkx is off to a good start. But capturing the next million will be tough. Blinkx will have to reach out to the masses, who may be more apt to try new kinds of searches from trusted companies like Google and Yahoo.
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![]() Attracting advertising may also be difficult. While it’s easy for advertisers to link their ads to keyword searches, it may be more difficult to place ads that are relevant to the contents of personal files, says David Burns, CEO of a competing desktop search company called Copernic of Sainte-Foy, Quebec. Perhaps the biggest worry is Microsoft. Long before Blinkx came along, the software giant talked about automatic searching based on what a user is working on, a concept it calls “implicit query.” Microsoft researchers have demonstrated prototype hard-drive search software that incorporates this feature, and it may very well be a part of the next version of Windows. If so, Blinkx—which beat Microsoft to market with implicit query—could end up being overtaken by the behemoth. Source: Technology Read Serge Thibodeau's daily blogs on search engines at Serge Thibodeau Live. We strongly suggest you bookmark our web site by clicking here. ![]() Tired of receiving unwanted spam in your in box? Get SpamArrest™ and put a stop to all that SPAM. Click here and get rid of SPAM forever! Get your business or company listed in the Global Business Listing directory and increase your business. It takes less then 24 hours to get a premium listing in the most powerful business search engine there is. Click here to find out all about it. Rank for $ales strongly recommends the use of WordTracker to effectively identify all your right industry keywords. Accurate identification of the right keywords and key phrases used in your industry is the first basic step in any serious search engine optimization program. Click here to start your keyword and key phrase research.
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