The Rank for $ales Weekly Newsletter, p.2(Continued) In other news, Coca-Cola, Nokia, Kodak, Audi, and most recently, Google, have all had to battle cybersquatters who had registered Western trademarks as domain names. Google, the Internet’s favorite search engine, has had a Russian interface since the spring of 2002, but not until April 3, 2004, was Google Technology finally able to register a proper Russian second-level domain name (in the .ru zone) for its search engine. Russian Internet users who typed into the location window of their browsers were automatically redirected to Google’s mirror at Domain name was being used by Avalanche, a Russian company that got the domain from Denis Gledenov, an infamous Russian domain investor, reports In other news on Monday, according to a report from, most Internet users worldwide conduct online searches with two-word phrases. The Web analytics firm reports that in February, 32.58% of all online searches were conducted with two words. Another 25.61% were conducted with three words and only 19.02% were one-word searches. How do these recent trends in online searching compare to one year ago? According to April 2003 data from, 24.76% of all online searches worldwide were initiated with just one word, indicating a decline in one-word searches over the 10-month period. On Tuesday, it was reported that the traditional strong bond between an ad agency and its clients is changing, according to a few senior executives in the business. The likely reason is that so many relationships begin with unanswered questions, resulting in a rocky start, said Julie Riegel of San Francisco ad consultant Partners & Allies. Riegel founded Partners & Allies in January with Candy DeSantis and Jane Palmer. "We'd like to help change this because we believe that great work is often the result of an honest, passionate and respectful relationship." <<< Previous page Next: Search engine toolbars now essential >>> Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bookmark the Rank for $ales website by simply clicking here. Legal Notice ![]() Tired of receiving unwanted spam in your in box? Get SpamArrest™ and put a stop to all that SPAM. Click here and get rid of SPAM forever! You can link to the Rank for Sales web site as much as you like. Read our section on how your company can participate in our reciprocal link exchange program and increase your rankings in the major search engines. Powered by Sun Hosting Sponsered by Avantex Sponsered by Search Engine News.caSite design by Mtl. Web D. Get listed in Global B. Listing Sponsered by Press Call Rank for Sales toll free from anywhere in the US or Canada: 1-800-631-3221
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