The Rank for $ales Weekly Newsletter, page 9
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(Continued) In its filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Google said that Yahoo had been using search technology since June 2000 but nowadays contributed only 3% to Google revenues. Google said it was ending the arrangement this month. Neither Yahoo nor Google would comment on the specifics of the dispute, but it is understood that Yahoo is claiming that its contribution a couple of years back merits a larger share allocation. Google says its share price when it goes public will be between $108 (£58.66) and $135. If Yahoo sells the 549,888 shares it has been promised for the mid-point price of $121.50 it would net around $67m (£36.4m). Not only is Yahoo miffed at its share allocation, it is a party to the only lawsuit of note Google is facing, and which the company admits could hit future profitability. Google is being sued by Overture Services, which in 2002 when the suit was filed, was an independent search company. It is now owned by Yahoo <<< Previous page Next: Ask Jeeves doubles its earnings >>> Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Bookmark the Rank for $ales website by simply clicking here. Legal Notice ![]() Tired of receiving unwanted spam in your in box? Get SpamArrest™ and put a stop to all that SPAM. Click here and get rid of SPAM forever! You can link to the Rank for Sales web site as much as you like. Read our section on how your company can participate in our reciprocal link exchange program and increase your rankings in the major search engines. Powered by Sun Hosting Sponsored by Avantex Sponsored by Search Engine News.caSite design by Mtl. Web D. Get listed in Global B. Listing Sponsored by Press Call Rank for Sales toll free from anywhere in the US or Canada: 1-800-631-3221
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