Our SEO articles, resources and information section was created to
help our clients and anybody wishing to learn more about SEO get a better
understanding of the complex world of search engine optimization (SEO)
and its often obscure corners. It should give our users a better understanding of what
we do at
Rank for $ales.
In this
section, you should be able to find anything you need to know about
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how to make certain that your
website gets placed at the top of SERP's (Search Engine Results Pages).
Search Engine Marketing
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Is Google PR still important?
Since 1998 when Sergey Brin and Larry Page developed the Google search
engine, it has relied (and continues to rely) on the Page Rank Algorithm.
Googles reasoning behind this is, the higher the number of inbould links
pointing to a website, the more valuable that site is, in which case
it would deserve a higher ranking in its search results pages. If site
A links to site B, Google calculates this as a vote for site B. The
higher the number of votes, the higher the overall value for site B.
In a perfect world, this would be true. However, over the years, some
site owners and webmasters have abused the system, implementing some
link farms and linking to websites that have little or nothing to do
with the overall theme or topic presented in their sites.
Bid Management Tools and how they can help you
If you participate in a PFP (Pay for Placement) ad program such as
offered by Overture or a few other companies, Bid Management Tools
(BMT) can simplify your life quite a bit, while at the same time,
they might help increase your ROI. Bid management tools can automatically
adjust advertisers bids and their positions on PFP search engines and
can sometimes spell the difference between an advertising campaign that
fails and one that will be a true success.
Just what exactly are Trusted Feed programs?
With today's many PPC (Pay per Click), PFP (Pay for Placement)
and PFI (Paid for Inclusion) programs from so many vendors, it's no
surprise that some people can be confused. While organic SEO (search
engine optimization) search results are considered the best and usually
constitute the highest ROI, such paid programs can make a difference in
some search engine marketing campaigns, especially in the case of
recently-lauched or newer sites.
Why writing for the Web is different than in print
As you sit down and start thinking how you are going to write the
content for your new website, or if you are contemplating a complete
redesign of your existing site, there are a number of important
things you need to know, before you even start writing. If you have never
written for the Web before but if you have plenty of experience writing
for print media, there are in fact a number of things here that may even
shock you.
The new G operating system
As most of you know, the Windows operating system is the most
popular and the most utilized personal computer operating platform in
use today, and has been for many years. Windows has made
Microsoft the powerhouse it is today, thanks to its user-friendly
interface and a number of other features that greatly simplify your
daily life. However, there is now a new computer operating system that is
taking over, and its not coming from inside your personal computer.
How to properly submit to search engines
We get numerous emails and are
regularly asked on how often a company should submit (or resubmit) their
website to the crawling (or spidering) search engines. There are still a
lot of people that wrongly believe they should submit their website on a
regular monthly or weekly basis, in order to maintain their site in the
search engines! Unless there has been substantial or significant changes
made to its content, submitting a website that is already in a given search
engine's database is
even a bad idea, as some
engines could treat it as spam.
How to create a helpful and legitimate portal
Corporate informational portals have
been in use for quite some time. As the name implies, they were designed
to help their users and to provide valuable information. There can also
be many additional benefits when the subject of optimization of search
engines is concerned. The use of "auxiliary websites", also described as
portals, when used as search engine positioning tools is a controversial
subject in many circles. Some will tell you it is
spamming and when the
topic is brought up, it generally raises some eyebrows as to the legitimacy
or basis of their use.
How to create a landing page system and why
How can one accurately measure the real ROI and have access to exact
numbers while conducting an important advertising campaign? How can you
separate traffic from search engine referrals from new traffic that is
directly produced by a major ad campaign? It's very simple. The solution
is to create a "landing page" system that will tell you precisely
how many new visitors uniquely come from that ad campaign and, with the
right tools, can accurately compute your final conversion rate.
The robots.txt file
On certain occasions, a web site owner would rather exclude a particular
page or section of his site and insure it was never linked to any other
site on the Web, or even worse, indexed by a search engine. However, the
robots.txt file can also exclude the whole site from its index too,
if it isn't done correclty.
Keyword Marketing and all its secrets
Some people in business think they have what they feel is a successful web
site. Its large, has plenty of good, relevant content and was designed in
a way to help most users visiting the site. It is also listed in most of
the major search engines. But the question is, where are the visitors? Is
it possible that, using a very specific keyword or key phrase they cannot
find your site in most of the same search engines? Most likely, that is very
often what we discover when we start making a survey for a particular client.
Learn all the secrets of Keyword Marketing in this section.
Relevant keywords and keyphrases
Learn how to create a web site with relevant keywords and keyphrases (RKK) and
maximize your SEO results. At Rank for $ales.com, we have been
using RKK since we started and our clients are now reaping all the benefits.
Writing powerful key phrases
In this article, you will learn the proper techniques on how to write
powerful key phrases for the search engines and the importance of good
relevant text. But first, we need to know how to properly research these
key phrases, ensuring they are the right ones. You cannot write efficient
key phrases if you don't know what they are. Identification comes first.
Action comes second.
Optimizing framed web sites
There are many that say a framed web site is next to impossible to optimize
for the major search engines. Discover our own little secrets about framed
web sites. There are actually a few ways to get around them. This section will
show you how.
Spam and unwanted clutter in the engines
Spam causes major problems for search engines because it prevents them from
accurately delivering the most relevant results to their audiences. Their
ability to calculate relevancy is distorted by the spam. Learn what spam is
all about and how to avoid your site from being banned or penalized from the
Recent survey among top SEO analysts and marketing specialists
More and more top SEO analysts from all over the world recognize the importance
of SEO and the multiple benefits it can provide any small, medium-size or
large organization. Read this important market survey here.
How to write a powerful homepage that will rank high
In the field of search engine optimization (SEO), writing a strong homepage
that will rank high in the engines and will read well with your site
visitors can sometimes present a challenge, even to some seasoned SEO
professionals. In this article, we will show you the right way of doing it.
Ranking for $ales
If you have done just about everything we recommend on this web site and you
still aren't happy to be number five or six in Google or number ten in Yahoo!,
then this section could help you attain your goals.
Click here to read page three
of our SEO resources and tips.
Article written by Serge Thibodeau,
President & CEO,
Rank for $ales
Copyright (c) Serge Thibodeau 2003
Unless otherwise specified, all content and material on this site is
copyrighted by Serge Thibodeau of rankforsales.com and may not be
reproduced by any means without express written permission. Using my content
without permission is a theft of my work. Please contact
to discuss certain reprint options that would be acceptable.
You can read some of Serge Thibodeau's exclusive comments that
are not posted on this website. Visit his personal blog by
clicking here.
For hardware, software or IT-related technology questions, it is recommended
you visit
We strongly suggest you bookmark our web site by
clicking here.

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Rank for $ales strongly recommends the use of
to effectively identify all your right industry keywords. Accurate identification of the
right keywords and key phrases
used in your industry is the first basic step in any serious search engine optimization program.
The keywords you think
are the best may be totally different than the ones recommended by WordTracker.
Click here
to start your keyword and key phrase research.
You can link to the
Rank for Sales web site as
much as you like. Read our section on how your company can participate in our
reciprocal link exchange program
and increase your rankings in all the major search engines such as Google,
AltaVista, Yahoo and all the others.
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