Search this site Join the SEO Help Forum What SEOs Expect From Their Clients24 March 2003 1. Don't automatically expect a guarantee - Not all SEOs offer them. Not because they aren't good at what they do, but because offering a guarantee can give the false impression that SEOs have full control over search engine rankings when in fact only the engine has this. Also, while many top SEOs will offer a satisfaction guarantee, many others don't believe a guarantee is necessary because of their public track record of results and because they feel a client should trust them fully before signing on rather than relying on some piece of paper to protect them. 2. Don't choose by price - The most expensive SEOs aren't necessarily the best. By the same token, don't make the mistake of thinking SEO is not worth much. Search engine marketing is not an "add on" or a short term ad campaign - it is a continuously evolving marketing channel that can bring upwards of 50 percent of your total site traffic if done correctly. Therefore you should allocate a good portion of your marketing budget towards it each year.
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